I concede on deserts. 45 years of ignorance out the window. Still don't like the show anymore.
Procedurals 1: Anything You Say Can and Will Be Used Against You.
This thread is for procedural TV, shows where the primary idea is to figure out the case. [NAFDA]
I very nearly gave up on Hannibal - if Will had actually done what it appeared he had last week, I'd've been out and done; but I'm weirdly satisfied with where it is now. Not in any rational way, but I don't really give a fig for rational. It's not really a procedural so much as an elaborate and excruciatingly detailed nightmare that happens to bear some vague resemblance to a procedural if you kinda squint. Will would be an irredeemably horrible person if he were remotely real, but he's a dream trapped in someone else's dream inside a fever dream by Bryan Fuller, so I am oddly content to hand over all my empathy to him again.
And, damn, if I had the power to hand out Emmys for the delivery of a single line, Lara Jean Chorostecki would get them all this week.
(I really have no rational defense to offer, none at all, but I fell hard in love last year when Dr. Bloom was reading Flannery O'Connor to poor comatose Abigail, and it's hit all my grotesque/monstrous/moral buttons ever since.)
Everything JZ said. Which is a phrase I find myself typing very often. I never really thought Will killed Freddy, but I want to know how he tricked Hannibal's super sensitive taste buds into thinking he was eating human.
It also makes me wonder if Will and Jack are in it together. If not, it's sort of coincidental.
The plot doesn't really adhere to real world physics or timeline or anything anymore, but as a sort of visual horror feast, I'm still hooked. Just watching Will and Hannibal interact is mesmerizing to me, because the actors are both so good.
Plus, I need to know Winston makes it through okay.
It also makes me wonder if Will and Jack are in it together. If not, it's sort of coincidental.
I'm sure they are. There was a scene a while back where they were fishing together and they had a conversation where Jack said something like "You hook him, and I'll reel him in." I don't think they were talking about fish, and that is when I stopped trusting anything. I also don't believe that Chilton is really dead.
And The Mentalist has been renewed. I have mixed feeling about this. On the one hand, more Lisbon and Jane, yay! On the other hand the show seems to be past its prime.
There is much rejoicing on my Twitter feed. I strongly felt all along that the alleged position of The Mentalist "on the bubble" was a publicity stunt but it was stressful watching the fandom work itself into a frenzy. As far as the show goes, at one point either Heller or Baker said that The Mentalist was about Patrick Jane's journey. So I don't think the story is over until he finds some peace in himself and really moves on with his life. One way that could be shown involves him taking off his wedding ring and having a real relationship.
It also makes me wonder if Will and Jack are in it together. If not, it's sort of coincidental.
They must be. And the forensics team has to be in on it too, what with the dental records display and such.
I'm still hooked by the imagery and the psychological swordplay. The show is unlikely to lose me.
Continuing to bitch about The Mentalist. (Yes, I'm going to continue to both watch & bitch.) Minor logic hole: good thing villain's high priced lawyer did not think of having client tested to see if he'd been drugged.
Also aside from the continuing lack of Lisbon/Jane banter, the plan was disappointing. I don't mean impractical. I don't expect Jane plans to lack logic holes or be workable in the real world. But I expect them to be over-the-top and clever in a Rube-Goldberg sort of way. In this cases the cunning plan was to drug and torture the villain? To kind of gesture at cleverness they staged fake torture of an accomplice so that villain's testimony would include something provably untrue and undermine the credibility of his accusations. Neither twisty nor layered enough.
This is some good, silly fun on Castle tonight. Just what I needed.
Agreed on Castle, although it was an EVIL way to end the season. I thought that might be Spy Daddy in the black SUV. Who knows, it might still turn out to have been him.