I'm still in early Elementary goings, but I want to go out and buy Joan's outfit. Doesn't have to be exact, but where can I get the coat, skirt, and sweater? I already have the shirt (unless that's a dress--I'd like the dress).
Oh, I need to keep an eye out for her shoes now.
It doesn't appear to have that (yet), but you might keep an eye on [link]
Thanks. I'm also looking out here [link] since it seems to be pretty up to date.
Hmm. Elementary made me say "Mycroft WHAAAAAAAT???"
Yup. Or in my case, "Huh", but the same sentiment.
Did Eads leave CSI? I was just watching Eve (she reminds me of the DOOL character) and Alaric and wondering how I'd missed the old guard sliding out. Blessedly, even Marja isn't in this ep much.
I hadn't heard he was leaving, and I think he was featured in the last month? Couldn't swear to that, though. As Epic said, he was in the previews for next week.
I'm enjoying Alaric, though I'm wondering what is up with all these Day Shift storylines.
I just finished watching the final episode of Broadchurch. That number's now four.
Yeah, that mini-series was just DARK as fuck.
re: CSI
Eads was put on suspension from the show after arguing aggressively with the head writer. He is just now returning. He wasn't in CSI's 5000th ep (or whatever number) when Katherine came back. He was written out.
LeN, I'm relieved to hear that. Not for his sake or anything, just that I wasn't an amnesiac.
He wasn't in CSI's 5000th ep (or whatever number)
He wasn't? Seems like I should have noticed that. I was pretty bored with that episode, though, so I didn't pay close attention, I'll blame that.
I'll give them props for that not feeling like an hour, but I also feel like everything has gone
off the rails--it doesn't feel like they could have known more than "secret California cop conspiracy" at the start of the series, and most probably not all that.