The lighting in the final scene of Elementary made it look like she had opened the Maguffin suitcase from Pulp Fiction. Then again, it's probably as magical.
I've watched the episode twice, and the plot has fallen out of my brain both times right away. But I do remember the character notes, so...
Cute allusion to the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.
Dear every set decorator ever:
The DC Metro does not look like the New York subway. Stop trying to reuse the sets.
Also, I am paralyzed with the stupid of Agent Keene.
Why the fuck did she not TELL somebody that she had spotted Barnes and that he was exiting the building. All they had to do is contain everyone that left the building (which they should have been doing any damned way) and the hostage situation would not have occurred.
Also, you know that you have a fucking crazy doctor on the loose and the guard just lets any jackhole in scrubs into the room?
The burn might be too much.
Dear every set decorator ever:
The DC Metro does not look like the New York subway. Stop trying to reuse the sets.
Plus. You can get the names of some stations right, but call one Farragut East?
I don't get it.
I was watching with half an eye, and I was so confused. I thought they were in NYC suddenly.
I may need to break up with Blacklist over this. Srsly.
Break up or not, what happened after Lizzie shot the guy? (We went to breaking news.)
Just caught up on yesterday's Sherlock. For a guy that indulges in frequent sport-fucking, Sherlock is awfully judgmental about women with active sex lives. And yes I know Nigella turned out to be a thief, but he was using the word "Trollop" long before he knew that. (And if it was the fact that she was cheating on Mycroft, what does that make Sherlock?) And I can think of other cases where he snickered at women for showing "gusto", or in the case of Joan's friend (who he had sex with) "athleticism". Double standard much?
Yes, I know the character's viewpoint is not necessarily that of the writers, but I've never seen much in show to contradict this. Women in the show who have lots of sex with multiple partners are bad guys or prostitutes. The one exception may be Joan's friend, though I don't know how often she has one night stands. But she was still at least the subject of mockery.
He was born in the wrong century.