Anya, the Shopkeepers of America called. They wanted me to tell you that 'please go' just got replaced with 'have a nice day.'

Xander ,'Selfless'

Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants

This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]

Jessica - Jul 31, 2020 8:08:11 am PDT #8535 of 8624
If I want to become a cloud of bats, does each bat need a separate vaccination?

Ah, I didn't watch Gilmore Girls so I didn't get a connection there.

The three generations of Villanueva women reminded me a lot of the three generations of Gilmores.

-t - Jul 31, 2020 9:33:56 am PDT #8536 of 8624
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I can see that. The Villanuevas are a lot more apt to actually work through their issues than the Gilmores though.

amyparker - Jul 31, 2020 3:22:27 pm PDT #8537 of 8624
You've got friends to have good times with. When you need to share the trauma of a badly-written book with someone, that's when you go to family.

I am watching Schitt's Creek (Plei's fault!) and "Get through the first season, I promise it is worth it!" is a big ask, but it pays off, OMG. I am now completely fannish over it, to the point that I watched an episode of Hot Ones just because Dan Levy was the guest.

(Is it general knowledge that he and Noah Reid had downed a bottle of prosecco between them before recording David's lipsync? "More people should get tipsy at lunch!")

Dana - Jul 31, 2020 3:29:45 pm PDT #8538 of 8624
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Is it general knowledge that he and Noah Reid had downed a bottle of prosecco between them before recording David's lipsync?

It's definitely the story that gets told about that scene. That and the song being the extended version and Dan not being prepared.

-t - Jul 31, 2020 4:13:29 pm PDT #8539 of 8624
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Hahaha, I didn't know that but I don't know anything

That show, man. The first few episodes were so hard to watch but once it got its hooks in me...

DavidS - Jul 31, 2020 5:03:15 pm PDT #8540 of 8624
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Same for us. A bit of a slog through the first chunk of the first season but then such an addictive watch.

I'm certain it will join Matilda's rotation of regularly rewatched comedies.

amyparker - Jul 31, 2020 9:12:31 pm PDT #8541 of 8624
You've got friends to have good times with. When you need to share the trauma of a badly-written book with someone, that's when you go to family.

Noooooooo I am out of episodes on Netflix!

Steph L. - Aug 01, 2020 7:37:00 am PDT #8542 of 8624
Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe

Is the first season of Schitt's Creek better or worse than the first season of Parks and Rec? Because that was the other show where people say "Just get through the first season and it's totally worth it!"

Gris - Aug 01, 2020 7:40:37 am PDT #8543 of 8624
Hey. New board.

Schitt's Creek doesn't seem to have completely turned into a different show after season 1 like P & R, it just got it's groove much more later on.

Dana - Aug 01, 2020 7:42:17 am PDT #8544 of 8624
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

I think S1 of Parks and Rec is more skippable than S1 of SC. The whole show is a gradual progression for these characters, so watching S1 makes the whole thing richer and more meaningful.