Also, she and Tatiana Maslany should do a buddy movie together where they are the only two cast members.
D'Arcy Carden's Jason was the best thing ever Y/Y?
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
Also, she and Tatiana Maslany should do a buddy movie together where they are the only two cast members.
D'Arcy Carden's Jason was the best thing ever Y/Y?
Yes to all of that!
End of post
Jesse, I thought her Eleanor pretending to be Jason was even better.
ALSO, does this mean that Mindy is objectively the best human over the past 500 years?
I was wondering about that, too. It seems like if the Bad Place has been hacking the results, then Mindy must have earned way more points than anyone else to overcome the gerrymandering.
I'm very interested in finding out exactly what the shenanigans are. My gut tells me the whole points system is conceptually flawed but I don't know how that leads to the overwhelming Bad Place bias and also Mindy.
With any other show I would guess that that wouldn't be resolved in the next 3 episodes, but with this one, well, who knows?
I somehow think Mindy doesn't have to be the best person in 500 years, because of wibbly-wobbly Jeremy Bearimy timey-wimey stuff (like Narnia time).
The tampering just had to happen sometime after Mindy's death and before the Team Cockroach members' deaths.
In other words, last night's episode doesn't have to take place 30 years after the 1980s in The Good Place and The Bad Place, and The Medium Place. In fact it can't.
Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason died in 2016, and were brought back to life in 2016, and Mindy died in the 80s, and Doug is still alive in 2016, on earth, but in The Adjective Places, hundreds of years have passed.
Anyhow, I didn't come in to think. I just came in to "OMGOMGthatwasamazing" about the episode and especially about D'Arcy Carden, so OMGOMGthatwasamazing!!!!!!!!
D'Arcy Carden's version of Jason was PERFECT. She is amazing and I love her.
that was marvelous.
Another possibility for Mindy is that since almost all of her positive points came right before she died, they got past the hack somehow. Imagine something like the hacker demon notices the big addition, but since the overall total still didn't make for a net positive they didn't think to do anything about it.
Jessica, I had the same thought. I have some hope that the writers will address it shortly(maybe via the Jeremy Bearimy thing).
Cindy, I got the distinct impression that Doug was also alive in Accountant Land.
Also, yes, this is totally D'Arcy's Emmy submission We got everything but a Bad Janet.