Against all good sense, I am totally charmed by Jason - well the Jason actor at any rate. His line delivery never fails to crack me the hell up. I cackled so much at the conclusion of his story to Michael. "... and we slashed their tires."
Also great: the actress who plays Mindy. "Is there *anything* I can snort? Aspirin, cracked aspirin? Eye shadow? Cocaine?"
No. Just, no. Clam chowder is basically a savory latte with bugs in it - hot ocean milk with dead animal croutons.
Manhattan clam chowder is an abomination. And actually, in S1, didn't Trevor say the dining car of the train only served room-temperature Manhattan clam chowder?
Manhattan is the only kind my father used to eat.
Also, one of the restaurants was named Sushi and the Banshees.
Full disclosure: David made me some excellent New England clam chowder right before we watched this episode. It made for some deeply uncomfortable moments.
I regret JZ's menu tonight.
I love the abundance of puns so hard. Full forking speed ahead, The Good Place!
Fork! How did I miss Beignet and the Jets?
I did notice Biscotti Pippen, which was also forkin' terrific.
There are too many good lines in this episode. It is hard to sum up.
Tim missed the episode Thursday night, so we watched it on Hulu last night, and as soon as it was over, he said "Let's watch it again!" And I said "You want to pause it to get all the names of the restaurants and shops, right?" We totally watched it again. I'm really rooting for poor Mindy St. Clair to get some cocaine.