lunda - that sounds like what it will turn out to be. What was the estimate for how long it would take for Marshall & Lily's apartment to be done?
'Just Rewards (2)'
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
I don't know... Robin and Ted didn't seem able to live together compatibly when they were a couple, so I don't see why they would give it a try as platonic roommates. Doesn't Robin strike everyone as a bit too independent to get into that sort of situation?
I thought Ted was unhealthily upset with Barney over the whole thing. While I can see some weirdness arising from that sort of situation, enough time (and intervening boyfriends and girlfriends) had passed that I don't think it constitutes a big betrayal. I also think Stella should take Ted's over-the-top territorial/jealous reaction as a major warning flag, since it implies he still thinks of Robin as "his."
I thought Ted was unhealthily upset with Barney over the whole thing. While I can see some weirdness arising from that sort of situation, enough time (and intervening boyfriends and girlfriends) had passed that I don't think it constitutes a big betrayal. I also think Stella should take Ted's over-the-top territorial/jealous reaction as a major warning flag, since it implies he still thinks of Robin as "his."
See, I didn't think Ted's reaction had anything or much of anything to do with whatever feelings he may have for Robin and they had everything to do with seeing Barney for what he is and realizing that's not the kind of person he wants in his life.
All I know is, I can't believe they went there with the X-Box line.
See, I didn't think Ted's reaction had anything or much of anything to do with whatever feelings he may have for Robin and they had everything to do with seeing Barney for what he is and realizing that's not the kind of person he wants in his life.
I think after what happened at St. Patrick's Day, Ted's gotten tired of Barney's antics. Also, Ted's probably pissed at what he sees as Barney reducing Robin to just another conquest, when she's supposed to be his friend. (I don't think that's what it was for Barney at all, but I think that's what Ted would see.)
As for the living together, didn't they say in an earlier episode that Robin ends up traveling the world? Maybe in the intervening year, she took an assignment out of the country and decided it would be easier to share a place with Ted than pay for a whole apartment she wouldn't be in.
It seemed like a lot of Robin and Ted's problems living together the first time around arose from her not being willing to share "her" space with him. That may be different if she moves to his place. That seems to be why most of my friends who have shacked up just move to a new place that can be "theirs" though I see why that might be more problematic in New York.
And yeah I think Ted's problem was more, "You keep pulling shit, and I keep forgiving you. Not again." kind of thing. Having had friends date exes and not had a problem, and friends date exes and had problems, I think it's pretty situational.
On "How I Met Your Mother" was the end part supposed to imply that Ted and Robin were living together a year later?
I could've sworn I watched the entire episode, but clearly missed something. What happened at the end? This is what I recall as the end:
Ted's reaction had anything or much of anything to do with whatever feelings he may have for Robin and they had everything to do with seeing Barney for what he is and realizing that's not the kind of person he wants in his life.
That's what I thought too.
What happened at the end?
Voice over Ted went back to telling the story about the goat eating something of Robin's, and then corrected himself by saying that Robin didn't live there on his 30th birthday and that the goat thing happened on his 31st birthday. Implying that Robin was living there on his 31st birthday.
Doesn't Robin strike everyone as a bit too independent to get into that sort of situation?
I don't know, she might move in with Ted if there was some issue with her apartment, for example. But, doesn't she have a million animals?
I agree with allieann and someone from the previous page that I'm too lazy to go back and look at. It was less about Robin, and more about Barney doing shitty things and Ted getting tired of putting up with it.
Finally caught up on HIMYM. Personally I don't see how Barney and Ted would ever actually be friends, but I hope they don't change Barney's character too much. He's why I watch the show.
It seemed like a lot of Robin and Ted's problems living together the first time around arose from her not being willing to share "her" space with him. That may be different if she moves to his place.
I have to say, I think this is a major reason why I'm having issues with my housemate. Aside from a number of other little things, I moved into his house, and, in the end, I just don't feel at home there.
I don't know what the goat thing means, but, have they always been ending the show with teasers like that? First, Robin and Barney, now the living arrangements.