Certainly didn't need to share it twice.
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
My whole coffee drinking experience during the week revolves around getting my coffee for free from the company provided machine. I drink 1 cup (maybe actually 8 ounces plus or minus let's say 2 because I haven't measured my travel mugs) over the course of an hour or two by having a sip whenever I have to wait for something to happen (a report to generate, or an application to open, usually). Adding pouring from a thermos into a different mug to the process would be too much, I strongly suspect.
Not to mention that the Troy & Abed mug is not small.
My afternoon cup of tea at the office I also drink slowly (when I have coffee or tea at home, I finish the cup in minutes) so that I sometimes still have half a cup when it's time to go home, so adding a thermos to that process would likewise be problematic.
It's too bad, I need to personalize my cube a little, somehow.
The obvious solution is a Troy and Abed on a Roadtrip Travel Mug.
I'm watching Season 1 of Community. The paintball episode...is everything I was promised.
Is Community new to you? Yay! The paintball episode is perfection. SeƱor Chang = best entrance EVER.
I wanted to start at the beginning, because I was given to (correctly) understand that continuity was important, so I waited until I had Hulu+ access. Which is to say, yes.
Oh, the paintball episode. I need to rewatch that.
Come with me if you don't want to get paint on your clothes.
OMG, Colbert's response to Daft Punk's no-show was AWESOME!
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I'm still a little puzzled why he punched out Huge Laurie, of all people, unless I missed something in Hugh's last appearance on the show, but everything else was fucking hysterical. Especially the Matt Damon Fun Cage.