I bought Haggins's album because I was always humming that song. Smooth jazz is pretty nice for driving, and it all is similar enough to kind of sound like Community to me.
Oh, hey, I guess I have another answer for that new music question...
Anyway, my second favorite occurrence is when Real Neil plays it over the PA in Pillows and Blankets, and my #1 favorite is Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism when Troy comes out of the bedroom humming it happily and jauntily, but after getting the broken DVD news from Annie and all that he mopes off still humming it, but now sadly.
Spotting Daybreak in any episode is always a little thrill.
Oh, my god, somebody made an 8-bit Daybreak remix: [link]
So, is anyone surprised about Chang?
I totally wasn't.
I can't watch until tomorrow but was Chang faking it?
Yep--he's in cahoots with an unknown someone.
I liked the ep, a lot, but I miss the old school tsgs that weren't really part of the episode.
Loved Community and the Chang reveal (and I WAS kinda faked out there).
Also, continue to love Archer which continues to be so incredibly, incredibly wrong in the funniest ways.
That was delightful! Community, that is. Sorry - it is, of course, the first thing I watched when I finally had some time, but y'all couldn't know that.
Anyway, the burning question I am left with is: what does the G stand for?
I'm not disagreeing, Lee, but that was the best tag of the new season, I think. Although I am just pleased as punch that Shirley got one all to herself last week.
Whoa, I just counted episodes. Shouldn't have done that.
Eta: the dean of City College on the other end of that conversation?
I actually saw Abed on "Cougar Town" last week.(Cougar Town is a lot less smarmy then its title might indicate...I'm actually kind of a fan.)
I think it's hilarious that they did that "crossover". When I saw Abed's episode I was not yet watching Community, which made it slightly more surreal.