Two things about Archer:
1) who voiced Mallory's... husband? (subquestion: WTF was that all about?)
2) I forget, how did Ray end up paralyzed (again, kind of- I know he was faking it for the first part of season 3, then what happened next?)
Ugh, I hate not having all the Archer eps on Netflix to refresh my memory. I know everything about Seasons 1 and 2, and forgot a lot of season 3, apparently.
I am plugging along with Community Season 3 and reading along with the comments in this thread posted at the time the episodes were first aired. It's fun!
I am plugging along with Community Season 3 and reading along with the comments in this thread posted at the time the episodes were first aired. It's fun!
I've just started on Season 3 as well. I have finally seen Remedial Chaos Theory. And John Goodman as the Vice Dean. And Omar! In short, loving this season so far.
Ugh, I hate not having all the Archer eps on Netflix to refresh my memory.
Psst. Watch Archer online.
Yay for Community Season 3 love! I've looped around to season 3 again in my daily dose of Community, myself (I think I will stop once I finish out the season this time, since we have new episodes coming, and switch to DS9). So much to savor.
OMG, just watched "Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism" and it was soooo awesome! Let me count the ways:
1) Batman Abed. SO fucking sexy.
2) Troy & Annie conspiring.
3) Jeff & Shirley history and bonding
4) Hardly any Britta or Pierce!
I am now watching the Glee sendup, which is also aaaaaamazing.
Abed: Guys, I need help reacting to something.
That is such a perfect moment. And a line I so often need to quote.
It is so very nice seeing new Community love.
Random anime cat!
Guys, I need help reacting to something.
Yeah, it's a little scary how often I legit need to use that phrase.