Got my season 3 discs and watched Remedial Chaos Theory again tonight. Perversely this was the first episode of Community I ever watched, but haven't seen it since. Even though I didn't get much of what was going on with the characters the first time I saw it, I thought structurally it was one of the most brilliant...anythings I'd ever seen - movie, stage or TV. Having seen it again with my having watched everything leading up to it - OH MY FUCKING GOD! HOWDIDTHISHAPPEN!?!!?!?
So awesome. So dense in detail. I. AM. IN. AWE. Still...
Perversely this was the first episode of Community I ever watched, but haven't seen it since.
Kind of like starting Buffy with "Superstar," huh?
I watched all the DVD extras (not all the commentaries), and I missed Dan Harmon's grading of the cast. Guess they weren't able to film that what with the...stuff. But the two behind-the-scenes featurettes are good.
Alison Brie needs to stop breaking into white girl rap all the time because it just makes me adore her more and more.
Confession time: (though not for -t, who has already heard this).
While I fricking love Remedial Chaos Theory and think it is amazingly brilliant, I think I actually
the Glee Christmas ep more.
Boop bee doop bee doop boop sex!
Guess you just like liking things.
She was born in the 80s. She still uses her phone as a phone!
Troy and Abed in the morning...
She was born in the 80s. She still uses her phone as a phone!
Also, she's whipped by an imaginary douche
Tom and I are watching Community, which is awesome on a bunch of levels.
He's giggling a lot, so I think I get a toaster!