as I understand it, Sony likes to get blood from rocks
I'm still not understanding...they won't get 100 episodes from this move, so what does this move have to do with 100 episodes?
I'm reading a comical amount of people saying "What were they thinking?? Why are they messing with the proven formula?"
Didn't they notice the part where the ratings are for shit, and NBC doesn't seem to like the show? Why would anyone in charge be tied to the status quo?
I think they are holding the possibility they may try to get as close to 100 as they can. maybe they want to get 88? I think it is reasonable to think that they might want to get past the initial 13.
You know, knowing that Sony and NBC are also negotiating with/maneuvering around each other makes the whole thing make more sense in my head. I don't know why that was so hard for me to grasp.
I think it is reasonable to think that they might want to get past the initial 13.
You're actually the first person I've seen suggest that so far.
They may have a specific deal in mind that they're trying to hit a given number of eps for, but my point was that not only is 100 not magical, neither is 88 anymore. Maybe "as many as possible" is a target, but there's no obvious reason they can't go into syndication right now.
sorry to hear about Harmon, but not surprised.
it has come up in a few articles I have read.
All the articles I've read so far are "Now they'll have time to end properly."
Aren't they also the creative minds behind Happy Endings, which I've heard is pretty awesome?
It is awesome, but David Caspe is the creator and the Russo Brothers (also executive producers on it) didn't have anything to do with Just Shoot Me so far as I know.
From what I've read, the new Community show runners were writers on Happy Endings, created Aliens in America. and were executive producers (maybe show runners? I have already forgotten) of Just Shoot Me.
All the articles I've read so far are "Now they'll have time to end properly."
I can't follow the logic of that.