Yeah, everything that's been said about the move to Friday seems to imply that the goal is mostly to keep the current audience, so why shake things up further? Unless there were even more behind the scenes shenanigans than we know about. Which there could easily be. But I'm very curious about all that.
I'm also pretty curious about that scene Chevy wouldn't shoot or was resistant to or whatever it was that sparked the feud. I didn't notice any holes in the final episodes, but maybe I wouldn't if it would have been something surprising.
They've got to make some web version of the video game or a phone download or something, right?
So, I am worried about Harmon not being showrunner for several reasons. And let me clarify that Sony (the studio) is to blame for Harmon being let go, not NBC this time.
1) I don't think Harmon's voice will nearly be as prominent as the first 3 seasons of the show. So I think Community will become a more traditional sitcom - like season 1.
2) The renewal of the show and the firing of Harmon signals to me a naked attempt by Sony to get the show to 100 eps with proper regard for what makes the show "Community."
I think the show is going to suffer. Some people are comparing it to the last season of "Gilmore Girls." I didn't watch much past the 2nd seasons so I don't get the reference, but I don't think it is possible any of my favorite episodes will occur next season. I would prefer the show be canceled and go out on this finale. The final 3 eps were perfect.
He might be an asshole, but damn if I wouldn't like to have a couple of drinks with him.
fyi. the last remaining writer on the show from S1 is leaving also.
I don't think there is still any magic attached to 100 episodes, and even if it were, Community's not making it that far with as many episodes as they have ordered so far. You can get to syndication with 88 (still not really getting there) or even in your first season (so would they care?) these days.
I would prefer the show be canceled and go out on this finale. The final 3 eps were perfect.
I wouldn't go that far. I mean, I'll agree that the final 3 eps were perfect, but I can't yearn for cancellation without even seeing what happens in season 4, with or without Harmon.
In my googling for information I stumbled over the AV Club's Walkthrough of Season 2 with Harmon, which was pretty interesting, and at the end of it they asked him about his plans for Season 3:
And so whether I like it or not, and as risky as it is, I need to lay some plans at the beginning of season three that we’ll build to at the end. And I think that’s going to be a sweeping enough change to accomplish. I’ve been studying The Wire over this break and observing the art of the opposite of modularity, which is serialization. That’s not to say that season three of Community will be season four of The Wire, but it is to say that beyond Modern Family and beyond Parks And Rec, the ingredient that will keep Community alive to season four exists somewhere in The Wire. [Laughs.] I don’t know how to explain that, but I know it has something to do with the way they end their seasons with these glamorous montages and needle-drops of these stories that seemed disparate and all operate on some theme.
some arguments that people were making is that Sony has a moderate history of pushing shows to 100 eps if the can. The thinking behind this is that while it has 88 eps now (with the planned 13 ep 4th season, that the new showrunners might be more amenable to pushing for an additional 12 with a lower budget (and other concessions) than Dan Harmon likely would have been.
I agree that 100 isn't magical from my perspective (and while I have the DVDs sitting on my shelf) from S1 and S2, but apparently Sony likes this number.
you are more optimistic than I am, and I appreciate that. I just feel some despair in thinking the creative minds behind "Just Shoot Me" are now the showrunners for "Community."