New Girl: Nick's DVD message to the future, and all the business surrounding it = too funny. What a great scene.
Also New Girl: Winston walked out wearing the peacock feather - I had already been laughing SO HARD at whatever came before (which I've forgotten because of the magnificence of the feather) - I was laughing so hard I was crying (plus snort-laughing). I think I had to rewind twice to hear the dialogue.
Winston's earrings went from giant bling-y diamond to pirate hoop to the delicious feather and they are were all fabulous! Every bit of dialog connected to them was priceless!
Err. For those who might be interested, community-tv LJ community has some amazing spoilery promo pictures from a few of the uncoming episodes. I don't think I'm allowed to link directly here, right? Can it go into Spoiler-Light? 'Cause I'm leery of actually going into the Hard-Core Spoiler Thread.
I am glad to have a new stapling song.
We just watched Community, and I seriously *love* that, after putting the Dean in a crazy outfit in the majority of the episodes, they finally showed his closet. That just made me laugh and laugh.
His closet was glorious! And in his office - somehow I had always assumed he kept all those costumes at home.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks New Girl's roommates are hilarious! I actually watch for them more than her.