"We also believe this is the first use of a wildebeest in network promotion," said the network's George Schweitzer.
I was thinking maybe [link] might have gone there first, but probably not.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
"We also believe this is the first use of a wildebeest in network promotion," said the network's George Schweitzer.
I was thinking maybe [link] might have gone there first, but probably not.
Wow, the Daktari music is alot of fun. I'd completely forgotten about that show and now I'm wondering whatever happened to Judy and Clarence.
(Judy could still abe alive, right?)
Huh. In the context of that interview, it totally seemed like NPH was joking.
sumi, I think he was joking about the Dancing with the Stars bit, was the thing.
Felicia Day, is that the Potential who's in those Guild things on YouTube now?
Yep! Which I just watched. They're really funny.
She was hat girl, right? (As a potential.)
She was the pretty redhead.
I think she was hat girl, yes.
Enjoyable HIMYM - but not the best. (i.e., I did not laugh until it hurt.)
Did HIMYM start a few minutes early or something? My DVR cut off the very beginning. (And it cut off the very end of Torchwood the other night so I'm wondering if its clock is somehow off or something.)