I don't think "Community" was a miss for me, but I'm glad this was not the first episode after their hiatus. It would not have been very accessible for new viewers. at all.
I got what they were trying to do with the episode and intellectually I'm with them (like the "My Dinner with Andre" ep), but I didn't LOVE it.
I still admire the ambition even if I don't react with so much enthusiasm every single time. No show can live up to that, so I'm okay.
OMG, catching up on last night's Colbert: Julie Andrews and Stephen doing "Accentuate the Positive"? Just lovely.
I also really want to know what she said that was bleeped because I have heard she does actually swear like a sailor IRL.
I loved me some "Community" tonight. It was right up my fucking alley.
Oh my God, they killed Starburns! You BASTARDS!!!!
I cannot believe how fucking perfect that was.
That was pretty goddamn amazing. I don't think I've ever watched an entire episode of
Law and Order
(who has?), but damn, that was so spot-on and yet so in-character.
"That doesn't even make sense! You don't order ketchup! IT'S A CONDIMENT!"
I didn't get the title until the very end. I love this show.
I mean, I knew Law & Order was on the menu this season, but good lord!