I don't know how I feel about Troy and Britta. But DAMN, do I ship Jeff and Annie.
I am just the opposite!
I join -t in the opposite corner... but in the happy room of overall Community love, so it's all good.
Abed's reaction to the Dean at the door made me laugh out loud so hard. It was perfect. Because who wouldn't need an assist with the reaction there? Pure love. And the camera angle... it was just priceless.
I was at the mall looking at the craft show and there was a PA announcement (about the craft show) and it sounded like Dean Pelton's announcement. The voice sounded like his and a lot of the inflections were very similar.
Ah Glee, all is fogiven for showing that hilarious bit of Mr. Shue's senior year Glee Club performance from the unaired pilot during your Disco episode.
30 Rock -- Did Tracy Morgan-Jordan just call Jenna Moroney "Jane"? Because I think he did.
I'm so glad to see that Liz and Criss are really working together as a couple.
Yeah, I'm feeling really good about Liz this season.
I looked at Kat and thought, "is that the future Matilda?"
I can see where Community was going, but that was a miss for me, I think.
At least until I rewatch
I loved this one, but I could see it would be a divider of opinions. It was pretty out there.
Dean's outfit was, and I don't say this lightly, possibly the wackiest thing he'd ever put on.
I loved his little introspective moment. "I have to go to the bank!"