Archer did help a bit, but DAMN. Community, you're still hurting me, and I had a weekend of Sera Gamble and Suzanne Collins pain planned. This really fucks with my schedule.
The moment Abed made that spaceship with two seats, I worried. But I worried he was going to make up his own Troy. Evil Abed didn't even occur to me. That's just too sad...And he's so capable, compared to "cool, cool, cool" easygoing Abed. I don't even know...
French Stewart is also on next week's
He's having a good week, I guess.
So I tried Community for the first time this week. I'm guessing it was the wrong episode with which to start? 'Cause I kinda hated it. But I also never cared for the Office or 30 Rock or Parks and Rec, so maybe I'm just not the right audience?
Yeah, I watched Community last week, thought it was OK so watched it again this week, and...maybe not. But maybe stick with it a little more?
I think you should start with season 1 if you can. Starting now is probably not the best choice. Too much backstory.
Last night was neither one of the funniest episodes nor remotely a standalone one.
I suspect that much of the rest of the season will be fairly arc-driven, so if you want to grab random funnies, anywhere in S1 or S2 is probably your statistical best bet. If you want to get into the stories of people you've grown to care about...that's what's happening now. If you don't know Jeff and you don't know Troy/Abed, there's little reason to have enjoyed this week.
WAIT. Did we know that Matt Bomer is playing
Blaine's brother
on Glee? And that they will be singing
Duran Duran??
I didn't know about the
Duran Duran
Uh, it now occurs to me that maybe that is a spoiler? If so, sorry and I will whitefont.
The role he's playing is definitely a spoiler, and I would guess what he's singing would be too.