So, I saw the lead in "Delocated" who was recently on Conan. I had never heard of the show until I saw him on Conan. The premise is that this man has to join witness protection program and he wants to be in a reality tv show. So he and his family (in season 1) don black ski masks and have voice box changers and star in a reality tv show.
It is absurd. Flat out absurd. It is like "The Office" but 2x the absurdity. I think some of you here might like it. I guess it is on Adult Swim. I can't say I often "laugh out loud" (for example "Spaced" gets me every time even on rewatch), but it is probably more entertaining than recent seasons of the "The Office."
infographic of relationships on "Community"
Community is back tonight!
Can I get a POP POP! up in here?
man. I am so fucking thrilled.
I understand that the rest of the season gets a bit batshit insane, so we may need to strap in the seatbelts.
Delayed pop pop, because I have to wait until it hits Hulu.
also, the other day Will and I were trying to get something to work and it just wasn't. I told him "you'd have a better chance of making streets ahead happen."
He's finally seen that episode so he laughed. The more he watches the more he likes, we just finished the Spanish final episode. I'm curious to see what his reaction to Betty White and anthropology will be.
I'm curious to see what his reaction to Betty White and anthropology will be.
Oh man, I loved that. She was just hilarious.
"More of my own urine for me!"
I have a hybrid work/social commitment I cannot get out of tonight, thus may need to watch it on TiVo-delay. Oh, the humanity!
I have a hybrid work/social commitment I cannot get out of tonight, thus may need to watch it on TiVo-delay. Oh, the humanity!
Tim and I were still catching up on the S2 DVDs when S3 started, so we couldn't watch S3 in real time. Plus we watch Big Bang Theory in the same time slot.
So since we were behind on Community, we got the season pass on iTunes so that we could start watching S3 as soon as we finished S2. But that means we can't watch it in real time tonight and have to wait until iTunes coughs it up. BOO!