Is it bad that I sort of enjoyed Glee this week? I mean, I've never been watching Glee for the superb plot or characterizations (although I do find quite a few characters fantastic), but.. I don't know, I guess I'm just very easily pleased. I just find Glee fun, and it usually delivers on the fun to the point where I don't care what else is going on.
I swear that with all the other shows I watch I actually care about things like writing and plot. On Glee, though, I.... I just enjoy it.
I'll take my unpopular opinion and go sit in the corner now.
Is it bad that I sort of enjoyed Glee this week?
Tom and Lorenzo loved it.
Yeah, I liked it a lot. But not only to do I try not to think about Glee, I don't care about Rocky Horror -- so two minefields avoided!
I'm glad other people liked it too!!
I like Rocky Horror well enough, I guess, but I will totally admit to not quite understand why it is SO popular.
I had to explain what it was to my parents when they watched the episode, which puzzled me. How did anyone live through the late 70s without seeing Rocky Horror? It's not like they were children then or anything.
Thanks Morgana! That'll definitely help ease the sting of missing out.
Is Cthulu pronounced "ka TOO loo"? I always thoguht it was "ka Thoo loo."
I liked it, too. I have found the characterization sloppy throughout, but I just don't care. Pretty People! Singing! Dancing!
Is it bad that I sort of enjoyed Glee this week?
Nope! Amber Riley in a corset alone was worth the price of admission.
Nope! Amber Riley in a corset alone was worth the price of admission.
I just listened to her version of "Sweet Tranvestite" again and it's like listening to Aretha do it. Vocally it's awesome but there's no connection to the lyrics at all. Zero.
I don't believe for a second that she's that character or that Mercedes is expressing any of the song's intent. There's none of Tim Curry's salacious little slurs and innuendo. It's just well sung. But that isn't the point of this song. It's like listening to Linda Rondstadt mangle all the bitter little ironies in an Elvis Costello song.