Yeah, in the last 15, Will admitted to Emma he was doing the show to get close to her and that was wrong. She was getting better with Carl and if Will loved her, had had to step back and let them be together.
He realizes doing the show is wrong. He goes to the kids and tells them he is canceling the show. He said RHPS wasn't about pushing the envelope, it was about giving a voice and a home to all of the outcasts and misfits. Because of that, it was a good show for the Glee Club to do, but not for an audience, for themselves. So they perform to an empty auditorium, with just Will sitting there, cheering them on.
AV Club gives the Rocky Horror Glee Show an F.
This is from the regular reviewer who loves the show.
did they say *Ohio*???
Lima, Ohio, actually!
And ITA with Fred with everything he said, especially:
Still, the ep seems to become annoying every time the music stops.
As harsh as that AV Club review is, I'd have to agree with almost all of it.
Newsflash for me--I thought Quinn was the lips, not Santana!
did they say *Ohio*???
There's an ongoing thing where various kids say something like, "I want to get out of this place, not just stay here and end up a Lima Loser." There was at least one time that Emma (the guidance counselor) told a kid something like, "You don't want to end up a Lima Loser. You're better than that." Which made me blink a few times, since I can just imagine the parents' reaction to a kid being told that.
Oh, I thought that the lips were Quinn too.
I could tell Santana's voice.
I could tell Santana's voice.
Huh. I thought it was Quinn because of the voice.
Gripe aside, I did love "Toucha Toucha Toucha Touch Me" because it was the one number that stayed as true to the original, with Santana and Brittany eavesdropping.
Except it bugged me that the context for it was Will wanting to practice his non-existant part. I wish the impetus would have come from her side.
I wish the impetus would have come from her side.
Good point. That would definitely have added an interesting edge to the scene.