And now the Fox feed on my cable system has broken up and gone out for the last 10 minutes of the show when the kids are supposed to be performing The Time Warp. We'll see if these technical difficulties keep up when Rupert Murdoch's mouthpieces are delivering their fair and balanced news.
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
Will Schuster is really a horrible human being.
I guess they handled the casting and other issues about as well as they could have, but it was still aggravating in a number of places.
Also, Will is OUT OF HIS FREAKIN' MIND if he thinks it would be appropriate for the kids' teacher to play Rocky in that getup and have Rachel sing "Toucha Toucha Touch Me" with him onstage.
For Serious.
Becky was kind of awesome in this ep.
I, in all honesty, do not want to see Will get back together with Emma now. He needs to get his head on straight, and stop being a douche.
I would so very much buy a DVD of the Glee cast doing full-out Rocky Horror.
I am disappointed that we didn't get to see Mike Chang at least rehearse as Frankenfurter.
Yes, Schuster is actively skeeving me out now. He was somewhat tolerable until the last 2-3 eps last season, but now I find him to be a creep. I'm glad he recognized he wasn't good for Emma. Wouldn't it be nice if the show left it at that for the rest of the year/tv season?
I still want to see Carl as Frankenfurter. I think it is really unfortunate that we didn't see that. It needs to be on the DVD extras.
Agreed on Will, though I did like the Touch me song as performed.
I loved that they got Barry Bostwick and Meatloaf in the ep, a lot.
Isn't it kind of freaky that Meatloaf looks so much better these days than Barry Bostwick?
Also, why is transvestite okay, but not transexual?
I took it as being one doesn't mean that you're the other, so I really didn't mind them changing that lyric.
Also, why is transvestite okay, but not transexual?
Mike also said "trannie," didn't he? Maybe they couldn't use "transvestite" and "transexual" in the same chorus. I don't know -- my brain kept tripping over it, because Mercedes sang it perfectly fine (although geez, that elevator came down way too fast) but the altered lyric threw me.
Isn't it kind of freaky that Meatloaf looks so much better these days than Barry Bostwick?
I didn't watch Glee; was Bostwick in it? I saw him over the summer in person, he looked damn good. Tall, too.