Yeah, it sucks having to piece them together from the excerpts. I think I maybe saw one episode of it from the 1st season, but a couple of months ago some of their marketing people put up posters and coasters at the bar.
When the campaign was over they gave Jon the S3 DVDs. We got hooked over the weekend and even this morning Jon was all, "What's your favorite thing about Sheldon?"
I think I love Sheldon because I've always kind of had a thing for C3PO.
Adult Swim still rocks. The Venture Brothers, "Pomp and Circuitry" is the funniest episode I've seen since "Blood of the Father". But who was the villain who showed up at the Impossible building? He mumbled when he introduced himself and I don't think I've seen him before.
We got hooked over the weekend
Friends recommended it to us (well, me, really) a couple of weeks ago, and we watched the season premiere and the next day I got the S1 DVDs from the library. So. Hooked.
For Brittany/Santana fans. [link]
Not what I was expecting. They look like sweet innocent tweens in that photo.
Laga: that was definitely the first time we'd seen Dr. Impossible (sorry, Doctor Indo-china)'s arch. Didn't catch his name, either.
I watched a couple episodes of
The Big Bang Theory
on the plane. I've seen four or five episodes now, I think, and I just can't get into it. I find it mildly amusing with a few good jokes, but I still don't feel compelled to become a regular viewer. It's bizarre because I should be the target audience.
Did anyone watch
? I had to check it out because, hey, Indians on TV, and also I had to see if I'm supposed to be offended by it. And also Rebecca Hazlewood. For whom I just might have to keep watching the show anyway. It's mildly amusing, and it got a few smiles and chuckles. The call-center characters are pretty endearing, so that's a good start. The pilot did have annoying jokes about Indian names and food, but the second episode was better about such things. Mostly, I really am rather happy to see Indians on my TV. (Another reason I wish I could get into BBT. One of the episodes I saw did have a pretty hilarious Raj line: "Not only are there children starving in India, there's an Indian starving right here!")
I love Big Bang Theory. I'm annoyed that you have to go through itunes to watch full episodes now.
I watched the pilot of Outsourced and it didn't really grab me. I looked at that cafeteria food and drooled.
Do you have to buy them Laga, or is it a free download?