gah can't find new Venture Brothers on line. I'm melting...
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
I'm not sure where to mention this, but I think comedy is appropriate. Jon Stewart announced that he's having a rally in Washington on 10-30-2010 - the Rally to Restore Sanity: [link]
I saw that announcement, but apparently Colbert (in the episode last night I haven't seen yet) announced a march in DC on the same day - the March to Keep Fear Alive (if you click to "do not click here" button it toggles you between the two web sites).
Thing is, I will be in the Baltimore/DC area that same weekend visiting friends in MD, so I may actually be able to attend this thing!
If you do, please post eventually. Inquiring minds want to know!
If you do, please post eventually. Inquiring minds want to know!
Oh, I will if I do. And if I ever figure out how to get pictures off my camera and onto my computer (and figure out Flickr), I'll probably have photos.
It's supposed to be a Saturday afternoon, so it could work out.
the March to Keep Fear Alive
I would laugh uproariously at this if it wasn't so accurate.
My friend will be on Glee! (Walk-on, but still!)
Adultswim posted new Venture Brothers! Musical Monarch! I haven't been this cheesed since I heard Fairytale of New York.
Hank: I feel like that Jewish guy who lost all his powers when they cut off his hair.
Brock: Samson?
Hank: Lenny Kravitz.
That`s awesome.