Last night they ran Epidode 2, not the pilot. I had to buy it on iTunes to see the Pilot.
Which reminds me of the two characters that were in the early episodes but are largely absent from the later ones, and whom I find particularly annoying: Shue's soon-to-be-ex, Terri and the Coach. Boy, I don't miss them one bit!
I got caught up and I really liked the Tiger Beatdown piece about "Glee" that was linked above. I also loved the comments.
Wow, did anyone just catch Mathew Morrison and Lea Michelle on the Tony's? No auto tune there :)
"Boondocks" killed me this week. Too many priceless moments to list.
Boondocks is fucking brilliant this week. OLD SCHOOL AWESOME.
The first episode of the new IT Crowd has been made available early on 4OD over here, but that might mean it's available for ahemming early too.
Also, it's very, very funny. Quality Moss.
Boondocks is fucking brilliant this week. OLD SCHOOL AWESOME.
What channel is Boondocks on?
Cartoon Network, Adult Swim.
Smonster, you will find one scene particularly entertaining.
Thanks, Tom!
Smonster, you will find one scene particularly entertaining.
O rly? Do they rerun the episodes? I'll have to remember to set my DVR.