ahem ... since this is a show in which high school singing groups manage to come up with at least one cast-wide professional-level costuming, plus the singing, arrangements, and choreography, I myself don't expect much in the area of realism.
Realism, fine, too much to expect. Some kind of internal relationship coherency would be nice. But then, we didn't get it from BSG...
Yeah, Finn and Kurt sharing a bedroom didn't bother me at all, even though it's probably negative on the realism scale. But the Rachel/Jesse/Shelby thing has bugged me, I guess for smonster's reasons.
I myself don't expect much in the area of realism.
Realism, okay. But can I get some continuity?
It struck me - could Jesse connecting Rachel and Shelby be the price of being allowed to return to his choir without having to pay any other penalty?
I don't think so, todd. The only reason he left in the first place was to get them together, I thought.
eh ... it was an idea that kind of drifted across my brain
Just need to report that Emmett has gotten hooked on Glee.
I Tivoed the Joss ep and the ones that followed and he's watched them multiple times.
Kurt's his favorite character. Though he also was impressed by Santana on the Lady Gaga number.
Matilda is (re)watching with him and just announced with some concern: "That girl is beautiful! And she got throwed by eggs!"
He should see her do The Boy is Mine
He should see her do The Boy is Mine
That being a Santana number? Okay. Noted.
Mercedes and Santana duet.