I just need Idina to be Rachel's mom. Her just being the coach is wrong. Rachel has two dads, so it is still possible. Right? Right?
Le Nub, I agree that Shue's business didn't need to be aired like that in the lunchroom, but not much happens quietly on GLEE. Would teachers really have laughed out loud and point at Sue over her video? Not in our reality, but in GLEE-land, sure.
ha! yeah, but unless he is an absolute bastard, this faux romance should get to him.
This sounds like the plot of a movie with Freddie Prinze, Jr.
And even if he did sleep with 2 women, she isn't 13 years old. They aren't exclusive, she's not having sex, and he's still married, so cut him some slack before telling his business to the whole school. She acted like he killed her pet or something.
I think she stated pretty clearly why she was upset. She thought they were
working on their relationship, and the part of the problem with their relationship that was her, she is working through, even though as she said it is a horrible experience for her. His part of the issue, not really dealing with the end of his marriage before jumping into something else right away, he pretty clearly is not dealing with.
That's pretty assy.
See, I don't think it's that easy.
I get why she was upset on one level, but I kind of feel like his behavior was more likely to not put her in the permanent status of "rebound relationship." I think he needed to rebound with someone and it is probably a good idea that he didn't do that with her.
In his own way, I think he WAS working on being single again and what this means for him.
Hmmm... I'm trying to figure out if that was Brandon from SYTYCD in the Physical video.
And omg, Puck! SO HOT!
I really kind of hate Finn. I don't know if it's the actor or the character, but he's just painful for me to watch. (Not a huge fan of Mercedes either).
Tonight was the first time that Jesse pinged as hot for me.
And I'm really starting to hate Fox for constantly airing Glee late so the end gets cut off.
Oh! And if you've never seen the literal version of Total Eclipse of the Heart, go now! You tube!
Oh my god, Community just killed tonight.
Funny! Also, McHale looks better shirtless than I might have predicted.
I've never watched an episode, but the promo looked awesome, so I watched the episode, and it was great. One giant action-movie clichefest, with paintball!