True, all too true. But Artie would've done a fierce Chuck D.
I can also see him doing a fierce LL Cool J in "Mama Said Knock You Out" But, then there wouldn't have been the dances.
Speaking, I was disappointed by the lack of Wop in the episode. Also, no Snake that I could see.
I'm kind of surprised they didn't go for some old skool Beasties.
But then they couldn't have broken out the Hammer pants.
It was all about the Hammer pants I think. I was laughing so hard. When they started "Total Eclipse", I had to admit to my daughter that I adored the song - she's only 18, she's never heard it so I had to explain about the video and then show it to her.
Aims I KNOW!!! She'll be 19 in December! Besides, Em isn't really in school, she's still just a tiny, tiny baby 'cause otherwise I'm getting realllly old. Allie was suitably horrified by the video (and laughed so hard she snorted!)
I was wondering how many of those songs would really be in the minds of current teenagers. Sure, the Glee club kids may have a wider musical knowledge than most teenagers, but only Can't Touch This and Ice, Ice, Baby jumped out as songs my kids knew.
I guess that the choice of Run Joey Run was deliberate, as in here's Rachel's obscure musical knowledge. They could have used lots of songs that were familiar to, you know, anyone.
My 13 year old loves Ice Ice Baby, but neither of them knew any of the other songs. We've kept Hammer from them for sanity sake (because it's got a riff that my son would love and I really don't want to hear it over and over again). I think I've only heard Run, Joey, Run maybe twice in my life.
Run Joey Run was the one song I didn't know at all. I'm pretty familiar with 70s pop, so I was surprised I didn't know that song at all.
The one thing "Glee" doesn't do very well (or really doesn't do very well after the long break) is get the concept of emotional arcs. Too much breaking up/getting hurt over bullshit in last night's episode.
If Jesse left one high school for Rachel, is he really going to get that pissy that quick over 3 men in a video? I mean, WTF? She didn't cheat on him so I'm not sure why he got all diva-ish.
How did the other teacher find out about Shue's relationships? I thought (all things considered) he was pretty discreet. And even if he did sleep with 2 women, she isn't 13 years old. They aren't exclusive, she's not having sex, and he's still married, so cut him some slack before telling his business to the whole school. She acted like he killed her pet or something.
How did the other teacher find out about Shue's relationships
Sue said she bribed his landlord to put baby monitors under his couch...and his bed.