Bill Lawrence mistakenly thought that last season would be the show's last, and (also mistakenly) that killing off Laverne would somehow make the show better. But he didn't want Aloma Wright to be out of a job once they got renewed, so she's coming back as a different character .
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
When is Scrubs coming back?
October 25th.
I didn't really like Ted and Barney on the town as tourists (except I sorta liked Barney playing the hick, but I was mostly watching NPH acting than enjoying Barney. If that makes sense). I loved Lilly and Marshall, especially at the end and I liked Robin going back to being Robin. Keeping her around doesn't seem forced (I was wondering if it would even though Future!Ted refers to her as Aunt Robin) but the scenes with her and Lilly and her and Barney really highlighted that she has friendships and is more than just the girl friend.
I think the only part of it I liked were the bits with Robin and Barney. My housemate summed it up best with "You know how last week I thought this show was really funny again? This week? Not so much."
HIMYM: Yeah, agreed it was a weaker episode.
I think I kinda felt a little wonky about the come back and be sophisticated Robin storyline. Probably cause I'm a little crunchy myself, but I felt odd about the way vacation!Robin was being presented.
Also, WTF Vaction!Robin/Robin? Ew!
My main issue with Vacation!Robin/Robin was her telling that dream to Barney and just telling it - not somehow screwing with him, you know?
Hee, true!
Which reminds me to mention, that I love dynamics and changing relationships and I think this is somehow a more thorough relationship show than others of its ilk.
Apologies for off topic in advance.
I went to the Serenity premiere on the 2nd day of the Edinburgh showing, so I missed the whole cast thingy.
Oh man! As Jars can testify, if you'd turned up on the first day I could have got Gina to spoil the film for you, too. (Sorry Jars) (Again). Edinburgh was made amounts of fun, but I was So Very Tired the entire time.
Alexis in All My Sons? Godly. It occured to me whilst watching it during his run on BTVS and ATS we didn't really get to see him act much. He'd often come in and read lines and act goofy, sure, but there wasn't that much layers in it until nearer the end. That boy? Can act. He's seriously talented. He should be on my telebox more often.
And just for amusement, here's a photo of Alexis in Liverpool, after getting slapped about by a fan: [link]
(The badge? 'I believe in the Cockamouse').
my new cable box has the unfortunate habit of not always listening when tivo tells it to change the channel, so I missed HIMYM. sounds like I didn't miss much.
It occured to me whilst watching it during his run on BTVS and ATS we didn't really get to see him act much. He'd often come in and read lines and act goofy, sure, but there wasn't that much layers in it until nearer the end.
Oh, now I disagree there - I think it was pretty layered even in late Season 1. But it certainly got better and better, and Season 3 gave him some terrific opportunities to rip out my heart plumb the depths of the character. God. (Actually, at the end of Season 3 I was so thoroughly won over by Wesley's storyline, and so utterly unimpressed by the dickheadery of the rest of the characters, that I really wouldn't have cared in the slightest whether (a) the show came back or (b) it came back sans Angel and Cordy. [In fact I still sort of pine for a show with Gunn and Fred trying to carry on the fight, while Wes becomes increasingly badass and disillusioned, and wee Connor fights demons with Justine. And Lindsey gets fixated on Connor as the incarnation of his fucked up Angel/Darla issues.])
But by the end of Season 5? Holy crap.
My fangirl heart has still not wholly recovered from the fact that Lindsey and Wesley, my two Very Favourite Characters, both got killed off in the finale. BOTH.
That boy? Can act. He's seriously talented. He should be on my telebox more often.
That's what I'm talking about! He is a proper actor! Not just a pretty pretty boy, but an honest-to-God oldskool proper actor. Character actor, even. He should be getting lots and lots of work.