I gotta disagree. That Toby talking head where he said something (and sorry, but I forgot exactly what since I watched 30 Rock twice in a row immediately after) about how Michael may have been a trainwreck, but he certainly kept people's minds off of the mindblowing tedium of their jobs - that is the point, and that's why this arc is working for me. And it's too bad that I can't remember what it was he said because I think it is a great point and a great way to highlight the difference between the original series and the current one. I gotta love that Idris Elba is coming off as the heavy for doing nothing more than finally putting Michael in his place.
Comedy 1: A Little Song, a Little Dance, a Little Seltzer Down Your Pants
This thread is for comedy TV, including network and cable shows. [NAFDA]
He compared Michael to the movie you watch on a plane.
I gotta love that Idris Elba is coming off as the heavy for doing nothing more than finally putting Michael in his place.
He's being such a bitch to Jim, too!
I forgot exactly what since I watched 30 Rock twice in a row immediately after
The "how people see the world" thing was great, especially Kenneth's puppets.
He compared Michael to the movie you watch on a plane.
Right. It passes the time, and once it's over, all you do is think, "How much longer until we land?"
Thanks! Yes, I knew I liked that line.
especially Kenneth's puppets
When they cut from Kenneth's view of the Liz Lemon muppet to Tina Fey doing a muppet walk down the hall, I made the weirdest noise and then fell of the couch. I think it was my equivalent of puking like Jack.
When they cut from Kenneth's view of the Liz Lemon muppet to Tina Fey doing a muppet walk down the hall,
I lost it at that point. I'm sure that my neighbor heard my "HA!" across the hall through two closed doors.
My Name Is Earl had me LOLing a lot too. I wonder if they're going to keep some awkwardness continuity.
I loved Pam's "Oh, no" before she followed Michael. Like she saw what she was about to do but was powerless to stop herself.
Good night on NBC!
P-C -- they do have continuity on Earl for sure. I liked the idea of Pinky being inside the outside bitch and inside the inside bitch, too.