Gotcha. I had some leftover chinese food for lunch, but if it looks like you are going to run on the later side I might go and grab dinner at some point.
I'm leaving now. I'm bringing work home with me, but I would love dinner with you first.
By the way, since I don't think anyone has said it yet,
Happy National Coming Out Day,
Happy National Coming Out Day, everyone!
I didn't realize it was such an appropriate day to empy my closets!
Oh I didn't realize it was national coming out day.
Everyone: I'm bi. I know, big shocker, right?
Cash, stupid question. ASD is?
I don't look like and idiot but I don't win.
I'm not gay but my girlfriend is!
Yeah I'm pretty surprised I never heard of the ancient name for Oslo before. All I could think was, "well, Hibernia is Ireland."
Cash, stupid question. ASD is?
The first thing that occured to me was Assistant Sound Designer, but that's clearly my context, and not what Cash meant.
Also I'd like to apologize to everyone who watched the show. I had forgotten what a terrible earworm the theme song is.
Not Cash, but I think it's Autism Spectrum Disorder.