Haven't seen any of this yet, but it seems funny.
If you can, I'd recommend catching up on the 1st season before jumping into the current run. (Which should take all of an afternoon, since the eps are so short.) The continuity is Arrested Development-esque in its attention to detail.
The second season just debuted last night, Brenda, so this is the perfect time to become aware of it.
The few Frisky Dingos I've seen were pretty great. The one Metalocalypse (probably spelled wrong) I caught was much funnier than I thought it would be from the ads. I just can't wedge any more TV into my schedule right now. Maybe if I get over my Ninja Warrior obsession (or see them all).
Safe journey, sj.
...God, what does it say about me that apostrophe abuse might be a dealbreaker?
It's totally a valid concern, because it is issues like this that get yelled about in those stupid, stupid fights where people finally let loose about the little irritations.
Isn't the first season of Frisky Dingo out on DVD now?
Congrats on your boss meeting Susan. It sounds like it went really well, and I'm glad you can continue to enjoy your job.
I can handle poor spelling. I myself am an "innocent speller." I do have grammar issues (for some reason punctuation and chat speak fall into that category for me).
No Robot Chicken love? Oh well.
Poor Spelling Lady could also turn out to have mad math skillz or be a Cordon Bleu level cook. Hubby's spelling drives me up a tree, but he's cute and cuddly and good with cars and spiders.
edit: And we've spent the last couple of decades talking about the historical underpinnings of modern political events, going back to Roman times, so some mis-placed apostrophes can be dealt with.
Isn't the first season of Frisky Dingo out on DVD now?
Um....very possibly? I'm so out of the pop culture loop these days - DH told me that the guild screening season was upon us so if there was anything I wanted to see I should tell him so he can keep an eye out. Only trouble with that plan is I have no idea what movies are even out there for me to consider wanting to see.