Dad called me with the results of his afternoon blood tests -- he only talked to a nurse, not the cardiologist, but the nurse says that it's a reasonable bet that he did, in fact, have a heart attack. That would be #5, according to him.
I think with 5, your next one is free.
So they're keeping him tonight, understandably, and going to do another angiogram tomorrow morning to see whatinHELL is going on. His biggest concern was whether or not he'd be allowed to have dinner tonight, because he needs to fast for 12 hours before the procedure. So I'd say he's doing as well as he can.
*I'm* stressed, and am googling the location of the nearest state liquor store (no, seriously) so that I can have a nice soothing glass of bourbon after work.
God, what does it say about me that apostrophe abuse might be a dealbreaker?
Kelly Kapoor used "u" for "you" in her e-mail, and I wanted to run away for
And I do have one friend who has terrible fanboy tendencies, can't spell, and abuses emoticons dreadfully -- none of which is relevant to the fact that he is big-hearted and fiercely loyal and ethical and a great comic actor and really just kind of a real-life Xander without the demon girlfriend and commitment issues.
But there's this. I shouldn't be so judgmental, right? Even though #5 also lists
Three's A Company
as a favorite show and "Cold Play" as a favorite band?
That would be #5, according to him.
This is truly a #5 kind of day. I'm sorry.
Oh, Steph. Ugh. And hugs--virtual ones.
Even though #5 also lists Three's A Company as a favorite show and "Cold Play" as a favorite band?
That may be a deal killer.
Note: I actually do like Coldplay.
Just not Cold Play, who do not exist.
...God, what does it say about me that apostrophe abuse might be a dealbreaker?
That you're a Buffista?
or you're sitting next to me on a bench holding a red pen? Not really, my marking pen is purple, it's less pejorative that way, I think.
{{{Teppy}}} {{{Teppy's dad}}} And five is enough. I don't care if his next one is free. If I were there I'd sneak you a flask right now.
Three's A Company
That might be harder to get past than apostrophe abuse.
It's a double whammy, that one.
(((Teppy))) I'm so sorry that it was another heart attack. Googling liquor stores sounds perfectly reasonable under the circumstances. Take care.
Our plane is about to board. Can't wait to be home.