Damn it.
Dammit dammit dammit.
DH got the job offer, but the dept. can't afford to even match his current salary--it'd be a 20% pay cut. There's a chance they can ask for more in December, so if the position is still vacant and he's still looking then they might re-offer. But damn it anyway. I thought that was going to be this week's Good Thing, him getting that offer and getting to give notice.
He's going to take a few days to think things over before deciding on next steps. What this makes me think is that he may need to consider the private sector a bit more, if it's going to be this hard for even a decently funded university dept. to match his salary. But I don't know, and I'm not going to nag until he's ready to talk about it.
Ugh, Susan. Paul was in the same spot recently. (He's still classified, and was talking to a group who wanted him about a professional position. Only it turned out, they couldn't match his salary. WTF? At least Paul likes his job. He just, you know, could stand to be paid a little better.)
That sucks Susan.
As my family is waking up and checking our emails we're discovering we all received the exact same apology from my sister's husband. I even got two, one for each email account. I was tempted to expound on "the sincerity of a form apology" but we (at least my Mom and I) have decided to wait and see what my sister thinks we should do.
Susan, that just sucks.
But, in happier stuff, happy birthday, omnis!!!
Happy birthday, Omnis!
{{{{All the Bitches}}}}}
t /let me 'splain, no, is too much, lemmee sum up
Happy birthday Omnis!
and sorry to here this has been such a Monday all ready
Well great my shitty day got shittier. I made some one cry.
I did not mean to but it was some girl coming into apply for a job. Last week we told her we weren't hiring, that even if we were this wasn't the place to turn in an application. So but she did and then my co worker took her next door to people who are hiring. We even showed her how to apply for a job online for the other company and what she did wrong. She comes back telling me that we're hiring and I don't know what I'm talking about when I kept telling her we aren't. Because we helped her with the other business she was thinking we're all the same.
And I made her cry. I was kind of curt with her because I'm all bitchy and I feel bad.
definitely not your fault, askye. I bet she cries at the slightest provocation.
Found via Feministe - an amazing collection of photos illustrating the utter whackitude that is the BMI.
t edit
Broken record, nevermind.