Oh dear, and now your mum's suggesting you go to your grandma's place after surgery? Aw, she's trying to find a middle ground - that's a good thing. I know it's not what you want, but she's clearly trying to wrap her head around the notion that her visiting you would NOT be a good thing - and that's got to have been a little bit bruising to the ego/sense of self as good mum, so fair play to her. Still annoying for you, but it's actually kind of encouraging, really.
No, it was really good of her. She said I could stay in the room, and she wouldn't bother me, but she said it in a neutral way, not a bitter, offended way. My grandmother's place has more space, obviously.
Is there any way that you can let her do something tangible, like send you home-made food or some kind of comforting thing, so she can feel she's done her bit?
I'm trying to figure out how to suggest I only stay there a couple days, and then they drop me off back here with food and stuff.
Tonight, I got to drive around the Universal backlot -- the real backlot, with all the standing sets -- at night.
It was awesome. I just drove by them, but seeing all these uninhabited sections of old west town, random gas station, "New York" city streets, all feeling abandoned, yet lit here and there by ghost lights, was just plain magical.
It's the simplest of things, but it was very cool to me.
You forgot to mention that we did it in Satan's own golf cart. That thing is a death trap.
Did you almost hit a coyote again? That was the finishing touch of my trip through the backlot in Satan's Own Golfcart.
But Sean, I know exactly what you mean. It really is pretty magical being back there at night.
Nope. No coyotes this time, just Jaws.
Oh yeah. That golf cart felt like it was gonna rattle apart on us at any second.
Also, the golf cart was incapable of moving in a straight line. It wobbled back and forth.
was it Satan's golf cart because it was a widow maker? Or was it labeled as such for some flick/ride (I saw some Jurassic Park golf carts)? Sean, that is very much cool. I hope as your work the various aspects of the biz never tarnishes your being a fan of it. It's what makes doing all of this so worth while :) See ya Monday!!!
I hope P-C realizes that if he does marry this woman we'll always refer to her as "#5."
OK, Fay made me crack up referring to her as a Cylon. I was thinking she might be a Borg (not to be confused with B.org) Either way, hope she's the winning number.
Omnis - bless you! We need to get that damn teleporter sorted out, eh?
MM... GET CRACKIN' ON THAT THING.. LIKE NOW!!!! (pleeaaasssse!!)
P-C, Fay has some good words there. I don't envy the situation. Any chance of some errant wi-fi from a neighbors house? There is a mess of Bitches down the coast. Let us know if we need to kidnap you. Your choice of vehicles: Hybrid SUV, 1st gen Prius, 2nd gen Prius, or the DiabloMobile. I'd go for the last. If you sit just right in the back seat at night, the shadow from the logo makes it look like your wearing the devil's headphones. We promise to not "borrow" any of your pain meds. really.
But I want to ride in Satan's golf cart Daddy! I want to ride in Satan's golf cart now!
It was Satan's Own Golf Cart because it was a death trap.
Good to know. Had to be sure. Can't just throw around the moniker "Satan" seeings how its in your company name and all ;)
Hey, how did it go up there tonight?
I played the Wii tonight! It's pretty cool. KT kicked my ass in just about everything, except when she pulled the "tin cup" approach on the last hole in golf.