No, they know this girl's parents, and they were looking for an "educated" boy for their daughter, so my name came up, and since she's local, it'd be easy for me to actually get to know her. They know how drama-tastic my family is, though, so they let me decide whether I wanted to meet her rather than passing her name along to them.
I kinda like this as a strategy. Go, Sunil's extended family. Also, Go, Sunil's open attitude.
Best of luck w/ item #5, PC!
I hope she turns out to be a girl you enjoy being with, at least, Sunil.
The backstory, Laga, is that P-C's Indian family is determined to arrange a wife for him from women meeting specific requirements. PC, with more American sensibilities, is looking for a woman who loves
Veronica Mars.
P-C is also a nice guy who doesn't want to disappoint his mother. It's a monumental culture clash.
(I'm just trying to sum up the situation. I don't take it lightly.)
good luck P-C
this is the 4th day of a revolving door headache. I think it is getting better, but by such tiny degrees I can't tell.
I hope she turns out to be a girl you enjoy being with, at least, Sunil.
Yeah, at the very least, I can steal all her Indian friends and please my dad.
P-C's Indian family is determined to arrange a wife for him from women meeting specific requirements. PC, with more American sensibilities, is looking for a woman who loves Veronica Mars. P-C is also a nice guy who doesn't want to disappoint his mother. It's a monumental culture clash.
Put this way, it sounds almost Jane Austen-ish (but with Veronica Mars). Good luck, hon!
Ha! It is a truth universally acknowledged...
Ha! It is a truth universally acknowledged...
That a hot, smart Indian dude in posession of a staggering crapload of pop-culture knowledge must be in want of a wife.
P-C, good luck with #5. The whole situation does sound like Clash of the Cultures. But hey, thinking back to the lack-o-buttered-hotcakes moping in here, at least your kin is helping you get hitched! Mine just nags "how's the lovelife, got a girl yet". Now c'mon family... doncha think if I had me a love of my life, I'd be shouting from the rooftops?
I mean, yeah, sure, it would also be nice to have a love life. Or, you know, any savings, or a pension plan. Those are also good things to have. But I appreciate the hell out of what I've got - even if my, ah, hotcakes-of-love remain unbuttered.
Fay, I love your optimism. Your look at the sunnyside of the street attitude. You do make it harder and harder to contain my swoon. Weren't you going to move to LA? Didn't we tell you how desperate they are for teachers here? ;¬)
As for me. I pushed away the gronks by turning off ALL my alarms and slept in till 2pm!! Granted I climbed into bed at 4am. And just as I was prepared to have a day of sitting around loafing doing abso-smurfly-nothing, while in the middle of posting this very message, KT & ND call me and invite me up in an early-b-day-lets-hang-out day! Woot. OK, must shower now so not stinky for visit.
I'm making breakfast for dinner, out of a lack of energy to cook much of anything else. Scrambled tofu and toast. Crumbling up the tofu is fun.