Good luck car hunting, DCJ and WS!
Almost all of my jobs have had something I loved about them and something I hated about them. I loved being a reporter for a daily newspaper. It's an oddly low-stress job, because one the paper comes out, it's all over and you start anew on the next story. On the other hand, the guy at the next desk spouted nearly constant verbal sexual harrassment, and we knew the women reporters were paid less than the men. I loved being a student publications advisor. I might have been happy doing that forever, but the money was terrible and the professional respect nil. Working with the students was great though. A number of them are still friends of mine, all these years later.
Daniel is degronkifying by taking a nap on the sofa. With Harvey. Who is lying on Daniel's side, one paw stretched out down Daniel's chest. Too, too cute. Don't know where camera is. OMG, there's a sunbeam on Harvey's head now. If you don't hear from me again, you will know I am ded of teh cute, and have a rousing happy wake for me.
Thank doG, the cat moved to a chair before my brain hit critical mass.
He is within arm's reach of Daniel, who is now skritching him systematically, and explicating the proper Harvey-skritching technique.
1. Kristin, that whole final exam thing is dumb.
2. Susan, at least you're writing. That's more than I'm doing. I suck more than you, nyah!!
3. Suzi, awesome that your mom is doing so well!
4. omnis,
Bryan Fuller
freely admits to ripping off
5. I'm meeting a potential future wife on Tuesday.
I was curious about the early life of so I went back and read the first posts in Apocalypse. The one about the goat is cracking me up.
whoa #5! How are you feeling?
edit: sorry for the multiple posts. Here's one with content.
I have to go work at my old theatre today to learn the vista operating system that's being installed at my new theatre next week. I had hoped it would be simpler but it appears it's going to be more complex. I know of at least one task that used to take two clicks and is now going to take 30-40 minutes.
This is the secret girl my relatives sent my way, even though my mom has apparently found my soulmate already. I looked at her Friendster/Facebook profiles, and she seems all right. She has pretty mainstream tastes, but you never know whether that's because that's just what she likes or whether she hasn't been off the mainstream enough to find the good stuff. I'm trying to train my brain to just think of it as "meeting a new person, and a new Indian person at that." Otherwise I just won't be able to function properly and I'll be stupid and awkward.
Wait so your realtives went behind your mom's back to find you a girl?