Ha! You want work related insanity? Client just called to get directions for tomorrows class out in A-town. Coworker told her directions from a major highway. "Those directions don't work for me, can I have your number in case I get lost." Coworker explains that she can't give out the number for the cell phone the company doesn't pay for. So the client asks where coworker lives. "Uhm, [unspecified town about an hour away from class site]" "Oh well I live in [other unspecified town almost as far out], could you just pick me up on your way?" Coworker explains she can't do that. "Why won't you help me!?!?"
W to the T to the F, Dude.
Happy Anniversary, Nora & Tom!
Susan - get everything labeled (to the "right side of susan w's desk) To do list for monday including things like calling facilities manager on monday to re-request table. If your desk isn't moved - put tape on the floor where it is supposed to be. How you handle a screw up ( that is not your fault) makes your place in the team . This is the opportunity . Put yourself in the new bosses shoes. - what would rather- explanations or actions?
Guh I'm getting nowhere with the Amazon marketplace seller. I keep asking for the shipping information and all she tells me is, "As I said, I mailed to the address given to me by Amazon. I’m not sure why you haven’t received it yet." I'm not sure what my next step should be. Any suggestions?
edit: nebbermind. I finally found the claim form on Amazon.com
sooo... how 'bout them Packers?
ND, if you want to be really evil, have the speakers in the trees play the Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song. (me, I want a huuuuulaaaa hoooop).
earworm, anyone?
(it's almost 7:30 here and I'm STILL AT WORK, slaving over the next issue of our journal - misery DEMANDS company)
Ugh it's awful because what's in my head is the snippet of a soundtrack from some horror film and all I've got is the same part repeating over and over again on a slightly slower than normal speed. Oh god! I think it's from the scary christmas room ND stuck in the maze last year! My brain! Auuuuuugh!
in other news the Amazon Marketplace seller is now trying to get me to rescind my claim on the grounds that she has no control over the post office.
Happy anniversary, Nora and Tom!
ION, read my LJ people! I need advice!
GC, I'd say you have more than enough on your plate already.
ION, I am a fucking moron. I just lost our rent check. Better than that -- I lost the rent check somewhere in the 1 1/2 blocks between our front door and the mailbox. I was about to walk in the building door with Matilda, saw the unmailed check, told myself,
It's okay, there's a mailbox right in front of that Thai place,
walked to the mailbox, and... no check. The envelope was just gone. Retraced my steps, all one and a half blocks of them, and it's just completely gone. Down a storm drain, under a car, picked up by a passing stranger, no idea. So I had to call the bank to place a stop order on the check, which will cost us another $25.
I really, really despise myself right now. We need that $25 more than the bank ever will. We needed to get the rent mailed today. I fucked up both, in a block and a half. WTF is up with me? I am not a functioning adult lately, and I'm starting to scare myself.
Also, I am super-whingey and self-absorbed.
in other news the Amazon Marketplace seller is now trying to get me to rescind my claim on the grounds that she has no control over the post office.
Fine, as long as she refunds you in full. Otherwise, nuh and uh.