That is one of my hugest pet peeves about the chain of command. I just spent a good amount of time explaining something and you're going to pass me along to someone else so I can explain it again?
Actually, this is something I'm actually getting better at. "here, you need do this project, go talk to other department and see how they want us to do it". Saves me time from 1)listening to them 2) telling my crew and 3) getting caught in the middle.
Oh, Susan. Hang in there. This does sound so very frustrating.
Just walked Toto. My 80-year-old neighbor was out for the first time in weeks, so I went over to make sure she was ok. Turns out she's been in the hospital twice in the last couple of weeks. She's losing it, though. It's amazing how much she's degenerated in just the last 4-5 months.
Today she said to me, "So, I see that those boys that live in your building are black. Are you ok? They being nice to you, or you want me to call the police?" She's usually a little gossipy about the neighborhood, but today she was downright mean and angry, and I'm worried about her, but also her 40-year-old disabled daughter that lives with her.
And why did the Facilities guy TELL me they'd move my computer when now it's looking like that's more a job for IT Services? I mean, now this isn't going to be all set up when New Boss gets in on Monday (she's been in orientation all this week and I've only barely seen her at the end of the days), and I'm afraid she's going to think it's my fault and I'm this stupid person she needs to ride herd on and micromanage!
bleah Susan. Is there anyone else who can help you wrangle the mover-guy?
Unfortunately, no. The only other person here is our newest resident, who doesn't know the system any better than I do. All the senior chaplains are at an offsite event today. Which is why this would be a great day to move things around if only it was going smoothly.
That sucks. I am totally out of advice. Look, something cute!
Susan- you work at a university, right?
It is always this fucked up at universities, in my experience. You can give people a hundred drawings and instructions, but they will never actually transmit them to the person doing the work. Probably new boss will understand this, if she has ever worked in a large bureaucracy before.
Also, I usually just move my computer myself on my office chair because it takes several weeks for work orders to be processed and I don't trust the facilities guys. As long as there is already a network drop in place, I bet you can move it, and at least be out of big boss's hair and ready to work on Monday.
Also, it sucks and it frustrating.
interesting wine for the woot wine today:
Susan- you work at a university, right?
I work at a county hospital that is administered by a university hospital system (and all of us are on the university/state payroll). Which probably makes it even worse in terms of bureaucratic nightmares. It's been driving me crazy ever since I started here because half the systems are the university ones I know pretty well, and half are completely unique to the hospital, and there's no way other than experience to know what's what--no classes on understanding the budget reports, nothing about administrative systems and where to go to ask for what for new employees, etc.
I'm going to try to move my computer myself, but I'm nervous that I won't know how to re-connect it. It's more complicated than my set-up at home or any of the ones I used to take apart and put together back when I was doing volunteer work that included setting up computers for a kids' recreation program.