Blarg. So confused. Is it worth putting my resume out there even if I don't know what the heck I want to do?
Yes. Like Hec said, you're extremely qualified for a number of jobs. You've been at your current job for so long that they are taking you for granted and undervaluing your work; you deserve more.
Besides, if you don't look, you know
what you're going to be stuck doing. If you do look, you have options.
grandma got run over by a reindeer (on repeat)?
This just in: Sox is Satan.
VW, I think you'd be a great teacher, but I also think from what I know of you that you'd be happier working with elementary school kids than older. I think you'd have a hard time with the cynicsm and apathy that so often comes with teenage territory since you are such a joyful and optimistic person. I can see you absolutely loving working with younger kids who are still excited about learning, though. Just my two cents; I might be completely wrong.
speakers get hung all over the palm trees around Beverly Hills so that holiday music can be piped in
Ooooh. That IS evil.
Wow, this is my first real "I'm up and at 'em early and...shit, the east coast it's almost lunch time already and y'all have been posting!" Huh. Well, I was never morning crew anyway. Night crew it is!
Am up and....well, not really "at 'em". Dealing with possible eBay spoofing, a bit of concern where THAT came from, and trying to decide what to do with my day! I wandered around a little last night (and it was nice), but feel obliged to be productive now. May go get coffee and breakfast and come back ehre and look on craigslist. Can't function long without coffee.
If I were in charge of programming Christmas music, I'd sneak in "Deck the Halls with Boston Charlie."
gronklies. My sister was over last night and I didn't want to stabbinate her. In fact when she got up to leave I felt like hugging her. Maybe I'm ready to forgive her for marrying that ass.
This just in: Sox is Satan.
::grins::Looks for ND's logo on Cafe Press::goes back to making playlist for beverly hills for own amusement::
VW, I think you'd be a great teacher, but I also think from what I know of you that you'd be happier working with elementary school kids than older. I think you'd have a hard time with the cynicsm and apathy that so often comes with teenage territory since you are such a joyful and optimistic person. I can see you absolutely loving working with younger kids who are still excited about learning, though. Just my two cents; I might be completely wrong.
This is exactly why I don't want to work with high school. I'd prefer college students (and that's what my profs are pushing me to consider). YAY PhD process! Or, not really...
This is exactly why I don't want to work with high school. I'd prefer college students (and that's what my profs are pushing me to consider). YAY PhD process! Or, not really...
Ah! Well then that makes a lot of sense, too.
Actually, I should clarify, my adviser said I could consider getting a masters and teach at the community college level. But, he quickly followed that up with, "I don't think that would be good enough for you." (and he was talking about the education...not the students at the CC level.) I love it that I have an adviser that knows me so well!
I've got a bunch of options. And right now I'm just considering them. NO decision has been made. BUT, it does change the way I do a few things...first, I have an incomplete that I was considering not finishing. If I hope to get into a grad program, I am going to have to complete it, as a C- in a class in my major is not going to look good (when everything else is an A). Also, it will change me senior thesis audience a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. So, it's good to have that in the back of my mind.
Who knows. I may just start a tutoring business. I just like having options.
There are also people who teach business writing, vw.