Mr. Jane is freaking awesome. We went to our ritzy mall last night because he has a couple of customers who work at the MAC store who wanted to hook him up with some nail polish. As we're wandering past all the shops; Ferragamo, Marc Jacobs, Carolina Herrera and the like; I'm kinda sad that I no longer make the kind of money that allows me to splurge on even one thing there.
What does he do? He gets me some lipgloss at MAC (eyeliner for him), 2 bath bombs from Lush, and a pair of heels at Nordie's (on sale). We came in at under $70, but it felt like we'd gone on a spree.
Then we went to a dive that was having karaoke that night and sang "If I Had $1,000,000.00" and then went to see the video DJ.
Now I wish I'd called in to work sexed up.
Boo work! Yay husbands!
You found yourself a winner DJ. So happy for you. Glad to see that there ARE good ones out there.
I need your address.
Okay. Writing the email now.
I've been in this coffee shop for a half hour now, and I'm still the only woman here that doesn't work here. Or person under 40. Methinks W&L ought to think about recruiting more women. Or maybe they prefer the other coffee shop.
Em, you should send me your new address too. That I might send you a postcard or something.
Also, You weren't in SF long enough, and now I'm sad that you're back on the other side of the country.
Anyway, current email, if you need it, is sean(dot)kozma(at)gmail(dot)com.
Will do.
I know! I never made it to LA or Oregon! I thought I'd have more time. Well, I may come back.
I may come back
Hmph, teacher-lady, looks like you misspelled WILL.
Phooey. I miss you.
Chilly at the moment. Only 63° in Otter Lake. DH has rescheduled his flight up to help me drive back to Florida for the 4th time. Now he is coming next Thursday. Since that is less than a week before school starts I imagine he will make it this time. Sad that he won't have time to play.
I could manage to drive back without him, but he wants to spend a couple days here. All work making us dull.
I miss you too!
I seem to have picked the only non-AC store in the whole town for my coffee/wireless fix. Dammit.