I'm a huge fan of Paizo, if for no other reason than the entire company, right up to the CEO, hangs out on their message boards, ready to answer questions and otherwise geek out with other geeks.
I'm a huge fan of Paizo also, because a) they send us free stuff; b) their stuff is often what I would publish if I could quit my day job and become a game designer, and c) they got hosed by WOTC.
I'm just so exhausted, you know? It takes so much energy to get the girls revved up and into the lesson that I collapse like a rag doll any time I get a break.
{{{Kristin}}} It's like parenting, x20.
October: Mummy Arm Awareness Month. More seasonal anyway.
Sox, are you out there? I think I'm ready to stop lurking... :P
Sox, are you out there?
I dunno if she's around, but we share 12.5% of our genes.
Welcome goodjoss!
Howdy goodjoss!!!! I've met Sparky, so, ummm....well....no gene sharing....lost the point I was going for.
I was trolling around in astounishing and, erm working
second vote for national mummy-arm month. {{ginger}}
You share 12.5% of your genes? Doesn't that get inconvenient?
Doesn't that get inconvenient?
Not really. It just makes it easier to share shoes.
I'm the tool. Unless the bastard sticks around long enough for that last straw to fall- then I become the uber frosty bastard-slaying bitch of death.
All 12.5% are in your feet? Would that make you kickin' cousins?