And wrod wrt Suzi and Trudi's mums.
Daniel just uttered this: "It's the extra butter on the hotcakes of love."
Okay, am I the only bitch whose hotcakes-of-love aren't getting buttered?
Sheesh. Everyone's getting spanked but me.
Aaaanyway, fwiw I am now a Level 1 Reiki Channel. I have a very nice certificate confirming that this is so. Thus far I feel that I have shown slightly less aptitude for Reiki than would your average banana (which I confess is something of a disappointment - I'd rather supposed that I might be good at it), but I am not without hope that time and experience might change this. Fear my potential-Jedi-mindtrick fu!
ion, and I have to share this with you, my school is built on a vortex, apparently. I mean, I knew it was super haunted, because of having previously been a hospital, but I didn't know that it was built on an energy vortex attracting spirits and energies both dark and light.
In short,
I teach at a school on top of a hell mouth.
For reals.
t gobsmacked
...I'm a trifle concerned that something or somebody is going to eat the headmistress one of these days.
And I can just see Fay being the nice supportive teacher to the incognito Slayer in residence and thus dooming herself. Alas.
I don't know which kid is the incognito proto-slayer, but I have a feisty blonde colleague who's going to do some ghostbusting with her fellow Reiki folks shortly.
Okay, am I the only bitch whose hotcakes-of-love aren't getting buttered?
t does NGA handshake w/fay
t checks wallet for secret handshake instructions
Ah, yes.
t performs secret handshake.
I seem to have joined a church choir. Which, I suppose, would make me an unofficial member of the church, no?
Now I am debating whether or not to go the gym.
Go on! Go to the gym! I know it
like an effort, but actually you'll get that fabulous endorphin rush AND a sense of gleeful smugness at the same time!
If you go to the gym I'll go to the gym. Later.
And really, abi, I
to go to gym. I start my next level of classes tuesday and I suspect Sensei Lopez (that still makes me giggle) is going to hurt me a lot.
I've been doing 4 times a week, so I am familiar with the endorphin rush, which, yes, is nice.
But, as you were the first to respond, I shall go to the gym, then I shall go to Target.
I'll leap on the bandwagon and go to the gym today, too!
I used to think the endorphin rush was a myth. I've since been corrected.
(Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you
familiar with the endorphin thing; from your post I just assumed you needed convincing that the gym was a good idea - thus the cheerleading. Which is probably just me projecting, since I urgently need to get my own arse down to the gym, stat, and the above is the kind of thing I need to remind myself.
But you're not me, and fair play to you. I still say, yes, gym before Target. You can work out for me while you're there, eh?)