Hil - that's too bad but you must have really, really needed the sleep.
I slept in, a bit. Fed the cats. I think that one of them is eating the new food and the other is not. I'm not sure which.
This means I have to watch them when I feed them again tonight.
Debet, my blood sister!
Now I'm tired but have a full day and evening planned. Ugh.
beth, if you're around, has Matt heard of/heard Tommy Emmanuel?
yup.. amazing, isn't he.
I spent 20 min in the garden - my arms are shaking. Not sure if it is the preventative inhaler are what. Crazy making. Seriously - moving the little button on on this computer is hard work
Talked to my mom about the low iron stuff - turns out my grandmother( i knew that) and my aunt on my dad's side suffered/suffer from anemia - and my mom has had periodic bouts of anemia.
Every time I clean the kitchen and leave, it mysteriously gets dirty and smelly by the time I return.
This happens to me and I live alone.
Ditto, but not just the kitchen! Why? WHY!? Why can't I get the "clean the house" fairies. Noooo I have to get the "lets make the place messy" ones.
ION. While waking up this morning. Stretching legs, and as I was twisting my leg to n fro I felt the thigh bone rotate out of the knee about an 1/8th turn. I FROZE, and rotated back in. Felt the thunk as it popped back in place. CREEPY! It didn't hurt so much, but it felt sooo...sooo..SooOooo FREAKY. :: shivers :: Just what I need, to make my bad knee worse. It's not like I can walk with 2 sets of crutches. Uggg.
Ouch, Omnis! I'm glad you're okay.
I'm having a low battery day.
Home from a big day of celebration for my dad. It was really nice. Big party and stuff. I'm SO exhausted, though. And I really need to get some work done.
Also, dad gave mom what I think are the most beautiful red roses I've ever seen, thanking her for all of her support over the years. It was really special.
Heh. DH's alma mater (Colorado) just beat the alma mater of everyone else in his entire family (Oklahoma) on a last-second field goal. I think he went upstairs to call his brothers and gloat.
Aw, vw, that's so incredibly sweet.
Aw, vw, that's so incredibly sweet.
He did something similar when he graduated with his PhD, although, I think that was a gift of some kind, although it's escaping me right now what it was. He's not one to ignore what a big part mom plays in how far he gets in life. It's pretty cool.
Joe's flight delayed out of Minneapolis. ETA is now 7:14pm. One and fifteen minute delay.