he used an electrical charge on my teeth which stimulated the nerve directly
Things like this are why I refuse to believe the Modern Pain-Free Dentistry propaganda. I mean, I know they're necessary and all, but I'm so not buying that the fuckers are anything other than crazy sadists who taught gitmo everything they know.
I mean, I know they're necessary and all, but I'm so not buying that the fuckers are anything other than crazy sadists who taught gitmo everything they know.
As it turns out, you can do the same test for tooth sensitivity using a piece of ice. Which is not a sharp jolt of electricity into your dental nerves.
wow all this pain talk (and wuss talk) totally reminded me of one of my concussions as a kid. Zooming along in a 3-wheel scooter thing, took a turn and headed town a 18% grade or so. oops. no brakes. double oops. Stupid me made a sharp turn to head down the side road rather than crash into parked cars. Oops. Inertia won. Played with gravity. Nice big bump on da head. Needed a few stitches. Doc was like "eh we'll just give you a local". -poke- ow. You can still feel that? Yes! - 2nd local -. poke. Ow. You can STILL feel that!?! FIVE locals later, and I could still feel it. Doc thought I was lying. So I closed my eyes, and sure enough, could still feel it. I do have a high threshold for pain, but once crossed, I'm a wuss. Unless it's paper cuts. then all bets are off.
Yeah, I really don't need to be tased.
Err, bro.
I can't lie. I now want to try the taser thing.
Suddenly, I feel vanilla again.
Suddenly, I feel vanilla again.
Dude, you've been zapped.
No desire to be tased. But I've got a friend who's a cop who might oblige if I wanted to try it out. He had to do it when he was trained for it.
Marathon Man did not do any favors for the dental industry, did it?
My eldest sister's back went out again last week and they've finally scheduled her for surgery on Monday. She's in so much pain she can barely stand it. And she's got an abnormally high tolerance for pain.
Happy Birthday Nicole...!
Sorry, no great pain stories. I sliced and ripped some skin off my arm once, but shock set in pretty quickly, so it didn't hurt once I bandaged the flaps of skin back together. Though time did play funny tricks on me for a bit.
Right down all my pain is mental. I am wrestling with some manga reviews for Ms. Havisham's and my site...
Being tazed didn't really hurt, although it was the hook-free kind. I didn't go anywhere for a while though.
Oh, I forgot the time I was 11 or so and was having a tumor removed from inside my arm, near the elbow. Local, and then it wore off. The doctor didn't believe me for a bit, thought I was just being hysterical, until I started telling him every move he made, with my eyes closed. Having your skin and muscle peeled open while someone roots around to cut a tumor off your veins? Yeah, that hurt.
ION, it just started thunderstorming. And my DH just got home, and went straight to bed. I haven't seen more of him than that in 3 days.