It didn't help that I was not picturing inflatable boats, but plastic and wooded boats.
Oh thank god it wasn't just me. I was picturing this kind of toy boat. Which I suppose could also be a fetish, if you were into wood & canvas instead of vinyl.
The thing that makes be blink about the toy boats isn't that it's weird or icky, more that it's so specific. I mean, under what circumstances does someone come to realize "Aha! I need inflatable toy boats to get off! No wonder I'm so frustrated!"? As opposed to something like feet or spanking, which are pretty easy to encounter incidentally in a sexual context.
Thanks, Liese!
Happy 1st birthday, Matilda!!!
Happy Birthday, Matilda!
Tried to do it in color but trying my formatting was interrupted by a toddler squabble.
OMG! Matilda's 1 today!! Happy birthday!!!!
How can Matilda be one? What... oh, yeah, it's been a year. Cause I'm in another state.
Yay Matilda! Being alive! Breathing for yourself for a whole year!
Happy first year in the world, Matilda! I shall eat some cake in your honor!
OMG, such a happy day on the board! YAY for sj & TCG- I could not be happier. Happy birthday Matilda! Thank you for finding the historic TCG links, Liese!
Oh, in less momentous but still exciting to me news, we are getting a Wii!