he's annoying the neighbors.
Raq didn't mention that, did she?
This (from the quick ref to the dsm IV) is what I was thinking of:
Moreover, the obsessions or compulsions must be time-consuming (taking up more than one hour per day), cause distress, or cause impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning.
Otherwise it's not OCD.
Glad Em's daycare is going well so far, Aimee. Did MM tell you about the five gallons of water he dumped on himself this weekend? Heh. I shouldn't laugh, but it's so something I would do.
Also, is today a particularly Mondayish Monday for anyone else?
Also, is today a particularly Mondayish Monday for anyone else?
Mondayosity meters are all in the red!
Did MM tell you about the five gallons of water he dumped on himself this weekend?
He did indeed. I'm just glad he didn't have anything electrical in his hand at the time.
He's schizophrenic and he's trying to confuse the government agents who are spying on him?
Schizophrenics usually aren't so organized.
I'm calling it OCD. This is just one behavior. There's no telling what other compulsions he's dealing with and how they affect his daily life.
We need to walk down to the elemetary school to sign some forms but this means pulling the stroller out of the back of the van. I really want a sit & stand stroller to replace the huge double we're currently using.
My Monday-o-meter is pretty much pegged, yeah.
Disgustingly Monday, yes.
He did indeed. I'm just glad he didn't have anything electrical in his hand at the time.
Definitely glad he didn't. It's only amusing because it was mostly harmless.
Oh, yay! My SIL just got her box of maternity clothes (that I splurged on during her last month, 'cause I figured she deserved them and was probably completely sick of her clothes, and they were on wicked sale) and the catapillar costume I ordered for the baby. She was SO excited. It was really sweet.
My Monday is redeemed.