Won't argue that. And if she wasn't flying herself, then yeah, I don't know what I would or wouldn't have thought about ahead of time. Though, did she go inside? I'm unclear, mostly through inattention.
But, seriously, a circuit board and a battery? Even on the bus, I'd guess you'd see some reactions - I can almost rationalize it more as performance art than that level of obliviousness. [Personally, I'd have assumed it wasn't actually a bomb but a deliberate attempt to call one to mind. ]
And, just to be clear - the cop comment I saw seemed to me very couched in relief that no one over reacted and nothing irreversible had happened. I don't doubt that there are a lot of people out there taking a slightly different tone with it.
Though, did she go inside? I'm unclear, mostly through inattention.
She was inside, IIRC, asking about an incoming flight. Not, obviously, past security check points.
I don't think human bombs come with flashing LED lights advertising that they're bombs. Probably not star shaped either. I think you just have a vest with explosive and a detonator.
I think the Boston Police Department has conditioned itself to freak out when they see flashing lights which aren't attached to the roof of their car. Which will certainly make Christmas interesting, but I don't think there are a lot of flashing lights actually involved in terrorist activities.
However, Electrical Engineers and flashing lights definitely go together.
I heard thunder!
But did you see any flashing lights?
Holy Crap.
No idea what the context is, but - holy crap.
Meanwhile, it's difficult to know at a remove quite what was going on with the girl in the airport, and I can understand Trudy's suspicion given that she has friends who might pull this kind of thing as performance art - but it
sound to me like this kid is more likely to be a Plei-style tech geek who didn't put on her 'I am flying and thus must be super safety conscious because airports are super suspcious of terrorism' hat, since she was just
someone, rather than being a smug artist. I mean, what the hell do I know at this remove - but the odds seem stacked in favour of the former, unless there's any evidence of a history of performance art style stuff.
Crap, Anne, just saw your news. I'm so sorry.
I heard thunder!
:: pats head ::
There there. it's called weather. It happens in So Cal sometimes. I didn't hear it, but I saw lighting!
Weather! ND and crew aren't so happy about it right now, seeing as they're stuck up on the Universal backlot, but I'm so happy to hear and feel the rain. I missed it so much.
It's probably easier to appreciate now that I'm snuggled in bed.
vw, I usually use the search function at UK Hairdressers. Unlike most other style sites they don't have tons of pop ups and their search functionality allows you to specify a length, color and cut, but then allows you to search sideways for "show me other cuts like this" or "more styles by this salon" that usually lets you track down something interesting.
Great! Thank you!
Btw, great hair color and cut on you.
Thanks! People were giving me a hard time about me posting a picture without my face, so here’s one from the front (with the car I’m hoping to buy in the background): [link]
Also - judgment really should have another "e" in there. Just saying.)
YES! Thank you! I always misspell that word, because it just *looks* wrong.
I think the Boston Police Department has conditioned itself to freak out when they see flashing lights which aren't attached to the roof of their car.
I think this is true to an extent, but it’s important to remember that the day they were dealing with the cartoon (which I can’t remember the name of right now) advertisements, there were actual bomb threats and *other* suspicious, bomb-likeness found in more than one place (I can go search for the details if people need/want them). They REALLY downplayed those, though.