why/how did Pat Benatar - Invincible get earwormed into my wacky brain? Tell me. how? And I can't put iPod on while teching in show. MAKE IT STOP.
(in other news, with said song in head, having lovely images of cuties from that movie "Legend of Billie Jean"... so eh, not all bad, I suppose).
Anne, hope everything is easy as possible for your mom.
Oh, Anne. Peace and strength to you and to your mom.
Because I am stubborn and probably on the far edge of the sanity spectrum, I've done a lot of things when I was in a lot of pain. This has rarely turned out well.
Oh yes. I know this one. I've pushed because I could. That's the way I've rolled. But not always because it was a good idea. Pride has never led to a permanent fall, and I suppose I should not let it.
Susan, you hit on something that really, really scares me...and while I know why, I've never really gotten past it. Being perceived as lazy is a huge trigger for me. Do not WANT.
All the kind and wise words here have helped me to see that I need to check that impulse on my part. You are so right, resting is the work sometimes.
Oddly enough, just before this whole debacle began, I was considering shifting from the walk to the run team. Perhaps the extra training time...that I WILL take advantage of, will allow me to actually do that.
The message has been sent and the coach has acknowledged my decision. Now there is just the paperwork and the getting over of it.
Thank you all so much for your support. I really hated making this decision, you've made it a much better experience.
{{{ANNE}}} much comfort~ma to you and your family!
Anne - my best to your Mom
Anne, I hope this difficult time...well, is as simple as possible for you, your mother, and your whole family.
Anne, may your family get a break soon.
So, not the brightest thing to do, but it seems like many people could have such a lapse.
Especially when not going for the specific purposes of boarding a plane, but rather going to pick someone up.
Something else I was being mildly cranky about in email, having seen now what the shirt looked like [link] and seeing pictures of Ms. Simpson herself (she appears to be A/PI), is that part of me is wondering if the airport people would have even noticed or cared about the shirt, were she, oh, say, clearly white.
Something else I was being mildly cranky about in email, having seen now what the shirt looked like [link]
I have yet to see a picture of the
of the sweatshirt....