Sean, wait and see how it is in the morning. See if you can eyeball a measurement, to get a feel if it's swelling, shrinking, or staying the same. If it's swelling, I'd say taker her to the doc/medic/clinic/HMO urgent care/whatever our horrid health system aspect you guys use. If it's shrinking, should be ok. If staying same, wait another day, same thing. Is her vision ok? Peripheral vision ok?
ION... :: flips pages, looks all official :: by my records, I do believe we have a royal birthday today. Let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIMEE
Happy Birthday, Empress!
Yay for wallet-discovery, Sean - but punctuation for S.
My friend's girl twin, who is 17 months tomorrow, just started eating people
...I too had an OMGWTFToddler!!! moment with this particular pause for interjection.
ion, last night I went on a date with a very interesting & disconcertingly amorous gentleman who bore a striking resemblance to Mandy Patinkin. He's taking me to the pictures tomorrow, unless I contrive to run away in the interim. It was a v. nice date, and he's v. interesting indeed, but I found myself wondering this morning how I actually felt about him, and I'm not at all sure. I think maybe I'm going with platonic, though. We'll see.
Happy Birthday Empress Aimee!
Have a tasty planet.
My friend's girl twin, who is 17 months tomorrow, just started eating people
...I too had an OMGWTFToddler!!! moment with this particular pause for interjection.
I did the same double take. It made me think of a three year old that used to bite at my son's daycare. I thought "Katie was a biter, but at least she never ingested."
Oh, people food...that is different.
Happy Brthday, Aims!
Sean, I'm sorry about S's eye and about your worry. No advice, really, just hugs from a concerned friend.
And yes, I'm still awake. But only for the next 30 seconds until I faceplant into the bed.
Happy Birthday, Aimee!
Happy Belated Birthday, KB!
Sean, I hope S's goose egg disappears quickly. I am constantly finding bruises on myself that I can't remember getting, so I sort of relate to why she can't remember, but I also understand your concern that the not-remembering is because of the goose egg.
I did not get enough sleep last night and there's nothing going on a work today that will be interesting enough for me not to notice how sleepy I am. ::yawn::
Sean, that is unnerving but I hope it's nothing.
Happy Birthday, Aimee!!!
Olivia is screaming at me because I won't give her fruit roll ups for breakfast. *sigh* Tomorrow I get to sleep in because DH is home and he can fight the Battle of Breakfast.